Please Note
When viewing properties for sale- remember that the descriptions and texts are google translations.
If you see any properties that may interest you- Contact us… for proper communication with the seller and we will provide reliable information and help you with the purchase as well as the registering of the car or property into your name.
These sites are also available in Russian and Georgian. If any of the links are not working, please let us know and we will update the links accordingly.
Due to the fact that many of the private and commercial listing on these sites are posted by Georgians who do not and cannot speak English, it is necessary to have a translator to communicate with the advertiser, especially if you are buying a car - renting a house or buying property.
The Georgian websites listed below provide a comprehensive listing for products and services available in Georgia - Similar to Gumtree or Craigslist
For general merchandise including:
New & Used
clothing - food - farming/agriculture/animals - furniture - electronics - antiques - arts and crafts - hardware/tools - pets - and much more ….
Auto Sales & Rentals -
New & Used - Private and Commercial - Used and Second Hand
Cars - Vans - Trucks and Commercial Vehicles
Real Estate - Property Sales and Rentals
Houses - small holdings - farms - flats - shops - commercial properties
private and agent sales & lets.
Please Note
When viewing properties for sale- remember that the descriptions and texts are google translations.
If you see any properties that may interest you- Contact us for proper communication with the seller and we will provide reliable information and help you with the purchase as well as the registering of the property into your name.
These sites are also available in Russian and Georgian. If any of the links are not working please let us know and we will update the links accordingly.
Due to the fact that many of the private and commercial listing on these sites are posted by Georgians who do not and cannot speak English, it is necessary to have a translator to communicate with the advertiser.
Our Georgia-Connect Club memberships will enable you to access translators who are happy to assist you in your inquiries and quest to purchase products or services on these websites.