Comparing Georgia
To South Africa
You can reach us in Johannesburg Tel. (+27) 081 361 1409 (WhatsApp)
South Africa
I am not sure how to describe the differences between Georgia and South Africa. It is like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders when you hop off the plane in Tbilisi. You no longer have to look over your shoulder or worry about your house being broken into. When I leave Georgia on business, I always look forward to coming back, walking the city streets, stopping for a cup of coffee at an outside restaurant and seeing or talking to my neighbours. As you walk down your main street people greet you and remember who you are - and genuinely ask after your health and well being.
There is Virtually - No Theft and No Crime - Certainly violent crime is hardly ever seen! - It just does not exist in Georgia.
You can walk anywhere and you are safe. People are friendly and helpful. I do not lock my car or my front door in Georgia.. There is no need.
You can open a business and trade - bid on government tenders - afford medical insurance and send your kids to a university that has EU - International accreditation at a third of the price of a South African University.
University degrees and diplomas are recognized, accepted or accredited internationally.
In Georgia -you can actually live off the interest of a deposit of 900,000 rand and never touch the principal.
Buying a car and registering it in your name takes 35 minutes, At the same time you get a registration ID card and your tel. number is entered into the system so any traffic fines are sent your phone via SMS….
Similar to opening a bank account - 35 minutes.
Registering a company or buying a house and registering it in your name take about the same amount of time.
The police and municipal employees are professional, friendly, polite, efficient and will go out of their way to help where they can.
There are government programs that will help you fund a business and public tenders are open for international companies and South Africans to bid on.
There are no barbed wire or security fences or electrified anything! People care for each other and respect each others property.
If you breakdown on the road, someone will help you or give you a lift to the next town and your car will be there when you get back.
Initially, when you arrive - you will need a translator or interpreter but once you have figured the systems out you are good to go.
Learning some Georgian goes along way to breaking the ice. Georgians are always happy to help you learn.
Business Environment
There are jobs… but the national salaries are low by international standards.
However, considering the low cost of living you can comfortably live on these lower salaries.
There are incredible opportunities in every field of the economy and throughout every industry sector for entrepreneurs. So if you have been successful in South Africa…. In whatever field … you have a very good chance of finding greater success in Georgia - But, you are going to have to work for it - It wont just fall in your lap…. We will help where ever we can.
Tourism and farming related services & activities are regarded as a priority and there are government funds available to help fund manufacturing businesses, engineering companies, food processing plants, (etc.), or help you set up a company that will employ local Georgians.
The government of Georgia has opened the doors with its neighbors, Europe, China and the USA through free trade agreements.
You can work directly with the government departments regarding local exports, licenses and permits and they will bend over backward to help you with any inquiries you might have. - You do need to know who to talk to - which is why we are here.
Georgia-Connect - We are here to help
Dorian Oberholzer
You can call us in Johannesburg Tel. (+27) 081 361 1409 - (WhatsApp)
Georgia And Its People
(Additional Information)
Georgians are very family conscious and have a love for the outdoors, their country, history and traditions. They love to have large family gatherings and weddings and enjoy celebrating life’s milestones.
Being a country that has had its independence for less than 20 years (from Russia)…. The incredible growth and development accomplished by a population of less than 3 million (living in the country) out strips South Africa by miles!
The Dubai styled Batumi water-front and the new residential developments in Tbilisi have spurred phenomenal growth in surrounding areas and the renovation of outlying suburbs is driving an economic upsurge.
The government in Georgia has invested billions of Dollars into its infrastructure and cities - opening industries and public projects to international tenders.
One of these is a 300 km long highway system cut into the mountains connecting Tbilisi and Batumi.
With crime rates among the lowest in Europe - cost of retirement at least 30% lower than South Africa and world-class medical care and facilities - Georgia offers a safe and stable environment to start a new life - or to simply relax and retire with peace of mind.
University education is a fraction of the price of South Africa - campuses and facilities are modern and degrees or diplomas are EU recognized.
The medical system in modern, professional and the quality of service is very high.
Georgia is invested in its development and future. It has strong ties and free trade agreements with the EU and USA and is on good political and economic terms with its neighbors.
Having 3 sea ports - 3 large international airports and being on the direct new rail line between China and Europe - communications and transport of goods and people has never been easier.
Georgia is around 1-2 hours from - Istanbul - Israel - Germany - Moscow - Dubai - Greece & Cyprus and around 4-5 hours from Beijing - Singapore - Thailand - UK & Ireland.
There is business potential everywhere you look and in every facet of the economy.
The potential is endless. The countries global location/position cannot be better - being on the crossroads between Europe and the East.
Whether you want to go farming, start a business or simply have a safe environment for your family to grow up in - Georgia is worth considering.
Why Doctors should move to Georgia
Problems facing the South African Healthcare Sector
1) long waiting times, poor-quality healthcare delivery, old and poorly maintained infrastructure, and poor disease control and prevention practices.
2) poor waste management, lack of cleanliness and poor maintenance of grounds and equipment.
3) unacceptable physical environment (e.g. dirty toilets)
4) medical negligence litigation against the Department of Health, - R498 964 916.72 in 2015
5) misconduct cases against nurses,
6) shortage of equipment in hospitals that leads to fatal delays in urgent surgery.
7) extended delay for some patients awaiting treatment, such as cancer patients who are affected by the lack of oncology doctors and of equipment, and long waiting lists for surgery or diagnosis,
8) public hospitals have become ‘a death-trap for the poor’
9) lack of material resources, equipment and supplies (e.g. glucometers for monitoring blood glucose and needles for lumbar puncture in investigating or diagnosing meningitis), resulting in prolonged patient stay in the hospital.
10) poor record-keeping causes unnecessary delays for patients. Sometimes, patients’ folders are missing or lost,
Problems for the South African Private Medical Sector:
1) ‘Certificate of Need’ - all healthcare practitioners must apply for a certificate that will enable them to practice. They will then be prescribed where and how they may practice - 70,000 existing practices are affected by the new regulations.
2) The National Health Insurance (NHI) - 38% of SAMSA members plan to emigrate from SA as a result of having to accept NHI medical insurance.