
Moving to Georgia 

Call us in Cape Town Tel. +27 81 361 1409 (WhatsApp) or Tbilisi +995 551 584 728 (WhatsApp)

Living Costs In Georgia

Besides the incredible countryside, fantastic wines, and 8000 year old culture…

A couple can live in a nice apartment in a middle class area, buy their groceries from a western supermarket (Spar equivalent), pay all their utilities, unlimited cell phone and internet/cable tv for under $550 per month (+/-R7,500). Medical insurance is $30- $50 per month. Electricity for a 2 bedroom apartment is around $20 per month and Gas is around the same - depending on how you use it.

Unlimited - Internet, Cell phone and messaging is around $20 per month. You do not need a car, local public transport is very good and taxis are cheap.

However, if you like expensive cars, day spas, imported cheeses, and Gucci clothes you can get them in Tbilisi and Batumi or at the ski resorts, whist enjoying casinos, ballet, opera and everything else you would enjoy in a 1st world city.

Direct flights to all major European cities are quick and inexpensive.

The People - Georgians

  • The history and culture of Georgia dates back more than 8,000 years. As a country and a people they have contributed much to man’s history. Georgian’s have maintained their traditions, customs and heritage throughout millennia, despite invaders and conquerors.

  • As such they are a proud people who are Nationalists at their core.

  • Georgian love rugby and know most of the South African team by name.

  • Georgians are friendly, polite and reserved. They love life and cherish their families. Make a Georgian a friend and you will have a friend for life!

  • Relax - Enjoy - Love your neighbour - and Georgians will love and accept you!

  • Georgians are a self reliant people and you very seldom see beggars. Most of these are foreigners.

  • Georgians are Christian and have very high moral standards. As such they can be cautious.

  • Having been under the Soviet yolk, Georgians have also developed a social sense of responsibility in their governmental/municipal services and infrastructural development programs.

  • As English has only been taught in schools for the last 12 years you will find communicating easy with people up to the age of around 35. They love to practice their English and will start a conversation to do so.

  • The older generation speak little or no English except for those in management positions, higher government or in the tourist industry.

  • English Communication is good and available in all major services such as banking - telecommunications - legal services - municipal services - police services, etc… sometimes you have to ask.

Business Environment

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  • There are jobs… but the national salaries are low by international standards.

  • However - There are incredible opportunities in every field of the economy and throughout every industry sector.

  • The government and the people will help you start a business and want you to succeed - especially if you are employing Georgians.

  • Tourism and farming related services & activities are regarded as a priority.

  • The government of Georgia has opened the doors with its neighbors, Europe, China and the USA through free trade agreements.

  • You can work directly with the government departments regarding local exports, licenses and permits and they will bend over backward to help with any inquiries you might have.

  • As the country is growing at such a rapid pace there are quality control gaps everywhere to be filled. You will see openings in every industry… Good luck - we will help you where we can.

  • For people already working on-line Georgia is heaven! Lightening-fast internet - in most parts of the country with fantastic mobile App payment systems as well as great cell coverage at super low prices will make running your internet business a dream.

  • As Georgia has only had its independence for around 14 years, it is open and encouraging entrepreneurs to start and develop new business and employment - no matter what your field of expertise is.

  • Georgia has one of the simplest labour / employment legislations in the world.

  • Employment - hiring and firing local Georgians is virtually at will, with a minimal notice period.

Education - Schools

  • National schools use Georgian as their language medium.

  • English has now become a compulsory second language course throughout most of Georgia and has been for around 12 years.

  • International Schools are plentiful and reasonably priced with exceptionally high standards of education.

    Universities & Colleges

  • Georgian university degrees and diplomas are internationally recognized and accepted in the EU.

  • Naval Academy of Georgia (Batumi) is internationally recognized and courses are in English - graduates are internationally sought after.

  • Medical + Business degrees are taught in English at various universities and colleges around the country.

  • The cost of a medical degree is around $5000 (USD) per year - 1/3rd of the cost of studying in South Africa.

  • There are students from all around the world taking advantage of the high standards and low costs.

  • Student accommodation is around $70 per month.

Transport Getting Around

  • Public transport in Georgia is good efficient and plentiful - and - on time and very cheap.

  • Modern - Fast - Direct train rout from Tbilisi to Batumi with stops along the way as well as super coach lines that connect neighbouring countries - will take you almost anywhere you want to go.

  • For small towns in the hills - there are the transit vans / Mercedes Sprinter busses that run frequently and cheaply.

  • Private car taxis / Uber cars are everywhere - nice new cars - polite and friendly drivers whether they speak English or not - they too are inexpensive - 2km ride around $1.75.

  • Cell reception is great and GPS works everywhere - along with your Georgian language App… you can never get lost.

  • Hitch-Hiking Is safe - and acceptable - and you will get a ride!

  • Buying a car is simple and you can register it in your name as a foreigner - insurance …… is not compulsory. Well…it sort of is… but very few people have it.

  • Driving in the cities can be a bit “Hairy” but….. by-and-large - Georgians are careful drivers….. if not considerate.

The Climate

is warm-hot in summer and cold in winter with snow at high elevations. The Autumns and Springs are spectacular and if the 3 months of winter get too much it is a 1 hour flight (or a $50 bus ride) to the warm sandy beaches of the Mediterranean.


Dorian Oberholzer

You can call us in Johannesburg Tel. (+27) 081 361 1409 (WhatsApp)


Georgia And Its People

(Additional Information)

  • Georgians are very family conscious and have a love for the outdoors, their country, history and traditions. They love to have large family gatherings and weddings and enjoy celebrating life’s milestones.

  • Being a country that has had its independence for less than 20 years (from Russia)…. The incredible growth and development accomplished by a population of less than 3 million (living in the country) out strips South Africa by miles!

  • The Dubai styled Batumi water-front and the new residential developments in Tbilisi have spurred phenomenal growth in surrounding areas and renovation of suburbs is driving the economic upsurge.

  • The government in Georgia has invested billions of Dollars into its infrastructure and cities - opening industries and public projects to international tenders.

  • One of these is a 300 km long highway system cut into the mountains connecting Tbilisi and Batumi.

  • With crime rates among the lowest in Europe - cost of retirement at least 30% lower than South Africa and world-class medical care and facilities - Georgia offers a safe and stable environment to start a new life - or to simply relax and retire with peace of mind.

  • Whether you want to go farming, start a business or simply have a safe environment for your family to grow up in - Georgia is worth considering.

  • University education is a fraction of the price of South Africa - campuses and facilities are modern and degrees or diplomas are EU recognized.

  • The medical system in modern, professional and the quality of service is very high.

  • Georgia is invested in its development and future. It has strong ties and free trade agreements with the EU and USA and is on good political and economic terms with its neighbors.

  • Having 3 sea ports - 3 large international airports and being on the direct new rail line between China and Europe - communications and transport of goods and people has never been easier.

  • Georgia is around 1-2 hours from - Istanbul - Israel - Germany - Moscow - Dubai - Greece & Cyprus and around 4-5 hours from Beijing - Singapore - Thailand - UK & Ireland.

  • There is business potential everywhere you look and in every facet of the economy.

  • The potential is endless. The countries global location/position cannot be better - being on the crossroads between Europe and the East.