Georgian News
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Latest Articles, 20 Dec 2021 - 14:50, Tbilisi, Georgia
Nominal Gross Domestic Product in Georgia equalled 15.99 billion GEL in the third quarter of 2021, and real GDP grew by 9.1%, while the GDP deflator (inflation measure) increased by 9.4% in the reporting period, preliminary data from the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat) show.
The highest real GDP growth was registered in the following sectors:
Wholesale and retail trade (+12.3%)
Transportation and storage (+29%)
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (78.8%)
Accommodation and food service activities (49.8%)
Arts, entertainment and recreation (48.1%)
Human health and social work activities (23.8%)
Financial and insurance activities (20.3%)
Manufacturing (7.3%)
Labour Inspection: holding events in night clubs not allowed
17 Dec 2021 - 19:53
The Interagency Coordination Council has not yet decided to open night clubs thus events in the facilities are not allowed, the Labour Inspection Service of Georgia reports in response to the information announced earlier that night clubs in Georgia open on December 17.
New website on corporate social responsibility, sustainability launched in Georgia
17 Dec 2021 - 15:34
A new website has been launched in Georgia providing the ‘up-to-date’ information on corporate sustainability and responsibility issues both globally and within Georgia.
16 November 2021
Georgian companies signed export contracts worth GEL 3.7 million
One month after the International Food and Beverage Exhibition - Anuga 2021, Georgian companies signed 3.7 million GEL contract deals with international partners.
Anuga is one of the largest and most important events in the beverage and food sector across Europe. Within Enterprise Georgia's Export Promotion program Georgia participates in this exhibition for the fourth consecutive time.
The following Georgian products were presented during the fair: dried fruits, nuts, jams, honey, fresh fruits and vegetables, churchkhela, licorice extracts and sticks, natural juices, tea, wine, and sparkling wine.
About 300 meetings were held with representatives of the business sector from around the world, including Germany, Austria, France, The Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Great Britain, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Kuwait, USA, Canada.
Worth mentioning that the Georgian stand and the participation of Georgian companies at Anuga 2021 were supported by the USAID Agriculture Program and the EU-funded project "Ready to Trade."
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The building of the Georgian state rests on key democratic principles and values: freedom, equality, rule of law, and respect for human rights, and serves the welfare of each citizen, restoration of territorial integrity, and Georgia’s full European and Euro-Atlantic integration. The crisis triggered by COVID-19 has created new challenges for Georgia, similar to the rest of the world.
The pandemic has affected every level of social life. Consequently, the key goal of the Government Program 2021-2024—Toward Building a European State is to overcome the pandemic-related crisis, ensure rapid economic recovery and development, and put in place a stable and safe environment for every citizen. In parallel, the country will continue progressing toward democratic consolidation and aspiring for European and Euro-Atlantic integration in the international arena.
The following years’ key tasks include the country’s institutional, economic, and social readiness to apply for full EU membership in 2024. In light of the objectives above, and to secure the country’s rapid economic recovery and development, along with building a strong, unified democratic state, the efforts of the Georgian Government in 2021-2024 will be channeled toward the following 4 key directions: Foreign policy, security, conflict-resolution, and human rights:
Security is the cornerstone of the country’s development. Given the country’s occupation and growing external threats, it is important to deepen cooperation with the country’s strategic partners and to ensure European and Euro-Atlantic integration, on one hand, and to secure the effective functioning of a defense system compatible with international standards, also of structured maintaining domestic security and law and order, on the other.
Equally important is to maintain full compliance with high human rights standards. Also, on the path of full EU integration, deepening economic, trade, transport, communications, and energy ties with the European Union represent crucial aspects.
Economic development: The Government’s economic policy will focus on encouraging economic growth, with promoting rapid post-crisis business recovery and development as the starting point which, for its part, should create new jobs and overcome extreme poverty.
At the same time, the state will use every available tool of economic policy to promote the creation of additional stimuli for economic development.
Social policy and human capital development: The state must support the empowerment of human capital as an important factor in economic development, also fostering the development of a decent system of social security, the further advancement and 4 Government Program 2021-2024 effective management of the healthcare system; and, despite the barriers created by the pandemic, putting in place a quality, accessible system of education grounded in technological achievements.
State governance: Strong state institutions, and qualified and honest public servants, make up an important asset in building a strong state. In the fight against the crisis, special importance is attached to effective state governance and result-oriented governmental work that must be visible and tangible for every citizen.
Agricultural News
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Georgia and Korea discuss plans for multilateral cooperation
In the course of the meeting, participants highlighted a wide range of issues, entailing deepening cooperation between Georgia and Korea, development of protected areas and the export of Georgian wine to the Republic of Korea.
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As one of Adjara Group Holding’s three divisions,
Udabno manages one of the biggest agricultural developments in Georgia’s eastern region of Kakheti. The almond orchard, berry farms, vineyard with endemic grape varieties, as well as the dairy farm, all of which are part of the agricultural direction of the holding, are setting new standards in the industry.