
Connecting you with Georgia!

Essential Business & Travel Services

We can help you immigrate, buy property, start farming, open businesses or simply retire in Georgia.

We can answer almost any question you might have on Georgia. These pages have been collated to provide some basic background on Georgia and show what it is like to live, retire, invest and do business here. If you have any questions about home/property prices, business start-up, farming, immigration, schooling or healthcare, give us a call.


No Visa Required For South Africans

& 97 Other Countries - (Click Here to See)

12 Months - Visa Free

Contact Us: For Immigration Inquiries

Cape Town +27 81 361 1409 (WhatsApp)

Tbilisi +995 551 584 728 (WhatsApp)

New York +1 718 577 2691.

We are focused on funding or investing in manufacturing businesses, private home purchases for retirees, property development (housing estates), as well as funding the purchase of small owner operated businesses like, food markets and petrol stations.

If you have a concept that needs funding, let us know.

Our in house staff, immigration attorneys and local tax accountants, offer free advice in areas concerning - real estate - finance - immigration - business development - Georgian taxes - banking - healthcare - education - retirement and investment - Including…. How they may affect your residency application or immigration status in real terms.

Georgia is a country of around 3.5 million people, located on the Black Sea, nestled between Russia and Turkey. Three international airports have quick, direct and cheap flights to all European countries as well as Israel, Dubai, Istanbul, Cyprus and Greece. Georgia is perfectly situated at the cross roads of Europe and Asia.

Safety: Georgia offers a very safe living & business environment - with crime rates among the lowest in the world...

Health Care: Super medical facilities, world class doctors and physicians and medical services along with low cost medications and cheap medical insurance makes Georgia a fantastic place for retirees. Ideal for medical tourism. Dental Services: are also world class and very inexpensive.

Education: Internationally accredited and accepted universities offer medical and commercial degrees at a fraction of the price of South African colleges allow students to practice medicine or work in the UK, EU, USA, and Canada without major recertification or needing to take years of additional courses.

Retirement: Georgia offers very affordable and comfortable living with great local transport, activities, incredible landscapes and first world amenities.

Free-Trade Agreements with the EU, the USA as well as its neighboring countries, along with very low corporate taxes, huge government investments into infrastructural development and direct investment incentives in conjunction with simple hiring/firing and banking regulations, make Georgia an ideal place to set up your next business.

Fast Internet: and country-wide cell-phone coverage allows for easy communications.

Logistics: Georgia also has two direct sea container and shipping ports to the world, is on the direct China-Europe Rail Route and has an excellent road infrastructure connecting Georgia to her neighbors and the world.

What We Do

  • We connect you with local professional experts and we can set up appointments with government departments in virtually every area of economic / business activity in which you might wish to engage in Georgia.

  • Georgia-Connect Business Club membership gives you access to interpreters and translators to assist you in your communications, contracts, business dealings, etc.

  • We Foster Communication. Georgia-Connect is a net-work of like minded professional people who you can trust, rely on and communicate with both socially and in business.

Your Gateway

Peace Bridge -Tbilisi - Georgia


Peace of Mind


We are always pleased to hear and respond to any relevant questions or suggestions that would improve or contribute to the content of this website.